23 Ott 2023

(SUB ENG) PO FESR in pillole | BloRin – Blockchain for decentralized Renewable energy management

BloRin is a blockchain-based platform for the creation of Smart Communities, the promotion and conscious use of renewable energies and the management of virtuous energy exchanges.

The Blorin project (Blockchain for decentralized Renewable energy management) was born in Sicily and is being developed by the Department of Engineering at the University of Palermo, in collaboration with industrial partners Exalto Energy & Innovation and Regalgrid Europe.
It is being implemented on the islands of Favignana and Lampedusa, in cooperation with SEA Società Elettrica di Favignana spa and S.EL.I.S. Lampedusa spa.
Blockchain is an advanced and continually evolving technological platform that provides access to and sharing of information, ensuring transparency, cybersecurity, and traceability.

The platform will enable the creation of solar smart communities where various stakeholders, consumers/producers, can manage electric vehicle charging infrastructures and coordinate exchanges with the electricity distributor to prevent energy waste.
Installations that cannot store energy and, therefore, consume it will have the option to feed it back into the grid or share it with other users.
Users will also have access to a mobile App that provides a simple and instantaneous view of the generated results and data accuracy.